February 7, 2012

The Long and Winding Road

We experience many twists and turns as we travel down the long and winding road of life. We follow along though we are uncertain of where it will lead us. Faith is what drives us, with expectation and hope guiding us around each bend in the road.

Following a well-known path may offer comfort and familiarity, but we sacrifice the excitement of new discoveries when the path is well trod. Do you want something new in your life? You may need to strike out on a new path, which will surely lead you on a journey of self-discovery.

There are many times when we feel more like a ship at sea, tossed to and fro on the waves of uncertainty. We weather the storms, though we do not feel in control of our circumstances. Who, then is at the helm?

We have more control over our circumstance than we believe. It is easy to feel victimized when situations in our lives cause us to feel out of control. We can’t see our way out of our circumstances. But there is hope.

Nothing in life is static. Life is ever-changing. Keeping this perspective can help us get through those days when we feel there is no hope. Some days we feel the weight of the world on our shoulders, and the burden seems too great to bear. Those are the days we need to lift our eyes to a higher power, and give away the burdens that weigh us down. It also helps to keep the perspective of realizing tomorrow is another day that will bring changes we cannot see today. 

Acknowledge a feeling of helplessness before God is not a sign of weakness, for He knows our human frailty and understands our struggles. When you reach for help, you will find renewed strength. For it is in our weakness that God’s strength is greatest. He will lift you up and carry you, setting you back on your feet again.

Whatever trials we face, we never face them alone. God is always with us, joined to us by Spirit. Hold tight to that knowledge, and trust that He not only walks beside us, but knows the path ahead and is leading us.

In all circumstances, we need to hold onto God’s loving presence in our lives. Instead of fearful, overwhelming thoughts, focus on God’s love and His nearness, and say a grateful prayer. It helps to know we’re not alone, and when we shift our thoughts to gratefulness, we take our focus off our worries. God's steadfast presence in our lives brings us peace.

Each step we take along the winding road of life, leads us closer to the peace of knowing our Savior. Trust Him to lead. He has already seen the road, and knows what’s up ahead. He will lead you. And the more you trust in Him, the smoother the road will be.
"Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow. Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you." Psalm 25:4-5

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