Autumn leaves fall like rain outside my window. Fierce winds strip the trees of their Autumn splendor, carpeting the lawn in rich colors of the season. The colorful canopies are stripped bare, leaving naked branches reaching to the sky. Why must the seasons pass so quickly?
The little boys who once played in the leaves are now young
men finding their way in the world. Special family members who guided our lives
for decades now whisper to us from Heaven.
It helps to keep myself in this moment, enjoying the dance
of the leaves as they are freed from their summer perch. I will go out and
crunch through the fallen piles of summer’s glory, now crisp and crackly and
heaped ankle deep in the woods.
But if we linger, and soak up the colors and the promise of a
glorious sunrise; or pause to watch the sun slowly sink into a breath-taking
sunset, our spirit is blessed.
Life is meant to be savored. Beauty, and love; friendship,
and reaching out to those in need, these are the food for our soul. We must
nurture who we are from the inside out. And this includes enriching our lives
with these soul-satisfying moments. They are just as important as nourishing
food is for energizing our physical bodies.
Energizing our spirit, knowing true peace, pausing to
breathe and being thankful for the gifts of beauty, love, and life itself,
brings our focus into the moment. The world around is ever-changing. What
remains as our constant is our connection to self.
Perhaps by adapting our lifestyles to mindfulness, we can
slow the pace just a little bit, and capture the beauty of the seasons of our
lives before they too quickly pass by.
If we offer a thankful heart when beauty touches our lives, we can, for that moment, slow down the passage of time.
Savor the moment, and capture the feeling. The peace will
stay with you long after the moment has passed. And nestled deep in your spirit, it will
help to heal the rush of life passing by too quickly, like the dizzying swirl
of falling leaves.