January 12, 2012

What a Difference a Day Makes

I think it’s time to hibernate. Winter finally decided to come to my hometown. Snow is falling at an amazing pace, with fat, fluffy flakes that are quickly accumulating on every surface. It is a wet snow, sticking to every tree branch and pine needle, painting a picture of a frosted winter wonderland outside my window.

The problem, you see, is that yesterday was 55 degrees and the sun shone warmly on the earth and on my face as I hiked through the hills and woods nearby. Wearing only a thin sweatshirt for warmth, my main concern was trying not to slip in the mud or dirty my shoes.

Now I am gazing out the window in awe of the steadily falling flakes. Realizing that God really does have a sense of humor, I also understand that I need to keep mine.

Very early this morning the warmth lingered. Then, within an hour, I was throwing salt on the asphalt driveway that had become a skating rink of black ice as a soft mist fell and instantly froze to the surface.

In the time it has taken to write this, the grass I raked just last weekend is completely covered from view with a fresh blanket of snow. And the craziest thing is I am feeling a little excited to put on my boots, scarf, hat, mittens and warm coat and go out for a walk amidst the ever-falling curtain of fluffy, white flakes. I know I will find a peacefulness deep in the woods where I am sheltered from the wind.

Winter comes on its own schedule. It was simply a teaser to know spring-like temperatures in early January.  I need to bundle up and head outside to get a load of firewood, and pause to see the Artist at work as He transforms my landscape with layers of white.

As evening falls, the white world takes on shades of blue in the shadows of twilight.  With thankfulness for home and hearth, I will put a big pot of chili to simmer on the stove, and set a fire to blazing in the fireplace. I can rest when I know my family is home safe and sound.

Snuggling under piles of blankets, I will sleep, listening to the winter winds howl through the bare tree branches. As temperatures fall throughout the night, the gusty winds will sweep the snow into drifts. By morning, the world will be changed once again, and we will begin the process of digging out.

But first, I’m going to take a walk in these giant falling flakes and cherish the peacefulness of the first real snowfall of the season. Even if it is almost halfway through January.

Enjoy each day for the beauty you find. It certainly will help to bring peace of mind.

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