And when the sun isn’t shining in my heart, life feels
dreadful. Sometimes sadness overcomes me and I feel like I can’t go on. When my heart is sad, gloomy and gray,
I feel like the clouded skies. There ‘s no hope in sight. Gray clouds stretch
from horizon to horizon, and the weariness on my heart seems endless, too.
Have you ever flown on an airplane, climbing up through a bank of clouds? Sometimes it’s so thick you wonder how the pilot can see. The moisture-laden clouds streak droplets of water across the window. All is dark and gray.
Then suddenly, you are in a different world! The plane
breaks through the tops of the clouds and it’s a new day! The sun is blazing
and reflecting off a sea of cottony looking clouds that create shapes in the
dips and valleys, and reach high peaks to look like the tops of mountains piercing
through the thick, white stratum.
And when it is stormy in my life, and I feel heavily laden
with worries or despair, it helps to keep a perspective that it won’t always be
this way. I try to remember that tomorrow is another day and things will change.
I woke this morning to dim morning light revealing clearer skies. Indeed the troubles of yesterday had floated out to sea, and the growing
light revealed the stormy skies had passed. It was another reminder to remember that nothing stays the same. Change is the only constant in life.
Yesterday is gone. Live for today, with great hope for tomorrow
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