To take this life and all its messes
To slow me down, and turn me around
And make something blessed.
the song “Second Chances” by Colleen Reske)
Have you ever said something and then immediately wished you
hadn’t? Wished that you could just
suck the air back in and the words would come along with it, and no one would
ever have heard them? It would be nice if it worked that way, but of course
it doesn’t. Once those words have left our mouth, they are out there for the
world to hear.
But usually it isn’t the whole world who hears. It’s one
person, someone you care about, and you’ve gone and done it again.
Blurted out a reaction to a situation instead of thinking through your
And all you can do now is apologize. Yes, apologize. Don’t
backtrack, don’t make excuses. Simply look this person in the eye and say, “I’m
sorry”, whether it is a child or a spouse or a friend or a parent. It’s not
always an easy thing to do, but it does get easier with practice. (Am I giving
myself away here?)
Several things happen when you offer up an apology. First,
you are clearly admitting your frailty as a human being. Also, you give the other person an opportunity to do something even greater, and that is to offer forgiveness.
Receiving forgiveness is like getting a second chance. You can mend your
fences and move on. And now you have the opportunity to work on your new way of
speaking. That is, to think before you speak; or, as my mother likes to say,
“Engage brain before opening mouth.” I love that one!
As humans, we can offer forgiveness, but the truth is we can never fully forget. Our God doesn’t work that way. He wipes our slate clean, and in our freedom we are ready to go forward again.
Is this to say that we should never think about our words or
actions? Of course not. The humans with whom we share our lives would not be as
understanding as God. We must be accountable to ourselves, while always striving to please God.
There is hope in second chances, and we must try live
the way God wants us to live. And truthfully, that simply means doing the very best we
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