Welcome back after a Christmas break! The celebration of Christmas with family and friends is a joy we can hold in our hearts long after the day has come and gone. Indeed, it is my wish that we could carry the love and peace of Christmas in our hearts all throughout the year.
This gift is for all when we remember the true reason for the season. God sent us His Son to show His great love for us, and to give us hope for today and all of our tomorrows. When we focus on this truth, God will live in our hearts and His peace will carry us throughout our days ahead.
My friend Mary DeMuth @ Living Uncaged.com has a wonderful idea for going into the new year. She asked us to pray for God to give us a word or a picture to guide us through the coming year. This year God has
given her a picture from which her hope for the upcoming year is springing. You
can read about this here.
Our personal challenge is to pray that God will give us
direction through a word or picture for our new year, and for me, I already see
the light. And it is His Light.
You see, God’s light shines in us, and we are to shine for
Him so that others will see our light and know Him. I finally realize that this
is the work He has been doing through me. I sing for Him, and I let my light
shine for others to feel the joy I share. I write so others will know of His love and the hope He brings, and in this way God's light shines through me to offer hope to those who are searching.
For me, personally, I look to God’s Light for my inner
strength. By knowing Him through relationship and His influence on my thoughts,
words and actions, I feel the strength of His guiding force in my life. I am
open to it. Through faith and perspective and belief I have come to know my
maker as my companion as I travel the bumpy roads of existence here on earth.
He lifts me up, He shows me the way I should go. And when I err, He patiently
waits for me to find my way back to the pathway I should be walking.
So my focus this year will center on light; God’s Light, my light, the
light of life and the light of hope. This will be my beacon, my guiding force
for the year ahead and indeed for my life. God is Light, God is good, and His
constant presence in my life reassures me of His love for me.
Let God be the
Light of your life. Let Him lead you to find what your guiding word or image
will be for your year ahead. I pray you will know His love in your heart and in your life, and through relationship with Him you will be blessed with knowing His peace.
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