Believe me when I say that there is no truth to back up
these harmful thoughts. Think about where this feeling of inferiority comes from.
Maybe you can tie it to a past experience or perhaps it is a deeply felt
inadequacy you’ve held onto for a long time. No matter it’s origin. When our
need for fulfillment lies deep within our psyche, it is fodder for the evil
one to do his work.
He preys on our weaknesses, and speaks from a voice within us that
we hear as our own. He tells us we are not worthy, that we will never measure
up. And our hearts wonder "why should I bother trying?"
Realize the source! It isn’t always immediately evident
because of the sneakiness of the predator. But you must realize that Satan is trying to sabotage your will. When I become aware that my thoughts or my actions have been controlled by Satan preying on my emptiness, I realize I have allowed darkness to fill me when I should have turned to the Light.
When the realization finally creeps into my consciousness by God's power in me through His Holy Spirit, and I become aware that I have been duped by the enemy once again, it makes me so angry that I want to
fight back. Satan amplifies our weaknesses, through no fault of our own, by reassuring our psyche that we are not good enough. Then he shows us a way to satisfy our deepest desires, which is actually a path to our own destruction.
Spiritual warfare is very real, and for those on the front
lines the battle is never over. Satan will do what he can to prevent the
furthering of the Kingdom of God. If you are working for the purpose of leading
others to Christ, you must realize that there is going to be a battle for you
to keep your forward motion.
Even if you are not in ministry, Satan delights in leading us from the path that God has planned for our lives. He can make the wrong way seem like the truth. It is not until we realize our misery that Satan's devious plan is revealed to us. We need to remain vigilant by keeping a constant awareness of this struggle and search our hearts for something that just doesn't seem right.
Most importantly, we must always remember one thing – God is stronger
than anything sneaky Satan can throw at us! By clinging to God and praying for
His intercession on our behalf, we will always emerge as victors. For in the
beginning of the book of John we read, “The light shines in the darkness, and
the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5 (NLT)
Look to God for your strength. With the armor of
God you can fight the battle and emerge victorious. Simply cry out to Him and
Satan’s stronghold is extinguished. Keep your focus on God, and put on His
armor. In this way you will not know defeat. Be strengthened by knowing God is always on your side. This is a battle we can win.
“Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will
be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will
still be standing firm. Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s Righteousness. For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so
that you will be fully prepared. In addition to all of these, hold up the
shield of faith to stop the fiery
arrows of the devil. Put on salvation as
your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. “ Ephesians 6:13-17 (NIV)
(emphasis mine)