Sitting in the backyard, bare feet in the green grass, we marveled at how in a few short months our world would be covered in white. It was almost impossible to believe. Well, guess what -- it’s here.
The White Stuff.
It took longer to arrive this year, and now it just keeps on coming.
It’s so pretty when it sticks to every branch. And so
frustrating when you can’t see curbs or oncoming traffic due to gigantic snow
Ah, Winter in the upper Midwest.
There is a little Alien in a cartoon circulating on Facebook
that says, “The air hurts my face! Why do I live where the air hurts my face?”
Snowfalls can be quite beautiful, especially when observed through the windows while sitting beside a toasty, warm fireplace! Although I admit there are times when I bundle up to enjoy a nice winter walk, especially when the snow is falling softly in big, fat, fluffy flakes. My favorite kind of snow.
However, when wind chills hit the double digits (below zero), I question why I live where the air hurts my face.
I left here, once, and I was gone for a very long time. But then
I came back.
I’m thinking that the beauty outweighs the cold, or I wouldn’t
be here.
That’s what we do, isn’t it?
We keep pressing thru the bitterest of times, looking for
the beauty in each day, each life. Knowing that life is such a fragile thing.
It’s an amazing cycle to witness, and without the extreme change of seasons, I don’t know that I would retain the awe I now feel at knowing the secret.
Knowing that, beneath the layers of gently falling snow (and
the layer of ice from the freezing rain) the frozen ground protects the roots
and bulbs of all my plants. And come Spring, I will know their beauty once again.
Blessings on the season you are in.
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