Because all I do is rake the yard.
I put them in a big, neat pile
And then I play in them awhile.
I throw them here and throw them there
Until they’re scattered everywhere.
And then I rake them up once more
Because to me, it’s not a chore!
Late Autumn in southeastern Wisconsin brings the first heavy frosts to the early morning landscape, and Autumn winds bring down the last
of the colorful leaves from the treetops.
During the warm seasons here, I work as a landscape designer,
creating beautiful landscapes for homeowners to enjoy. This time of year, we do landscape maintenance work, which
includes pruning and LOTS of leaf removal.
Many varieties of hardwood trees grow in this area, and we
enjoy their leafy coolness in the summer and gorgeous displays when the leaves
change color in the fall. It’s as if the forests and hills have been painted with the
Artist’s brush, in reds and yellows and the brilliant oranges of the sugar maples.
As the hours of raking wear on, I wonder when does this work become a chore? Raking and hauling
and stomping down the leaves into the trailer for hours really is hard work! But
this little rhyme kept running through my brain making me smile amidst the
toil. If I have to work, I prefer to be outside in the sunshine with the breeze
on my face watching more leaves falling from the treetops against an azure sky.
I thank God for giving me the strength to work, for the
beauty of the day and the warmth that the sun still holds. Setting down the
wheelbarrow, I pause and raise my face to the sunlight, close my eyes, and remove my
hat for the breeze to cool my head. This is good work. It makes me healthy and
strong. And very, very tired!
It helps to find joy in the simplest tasks, and to
acknowledge a feeling of accomplishment when a project is finished. Whatever it
is you do, take time to thank God for giving you the knowledge, strength,
intellect and confidence to do your work well. Ask Him to walk with you
throughout your day, and share a conversation of joy in the simple things you find.
Pray for strength when you feel weary and He will see you through.
Each day holds special moments for you to find, and each season offers beauty to behold. Every moment offers a chance to be thankful. Take in the sights and smells that are unique to this season. All too soon, the fall colors will be gone along with the sweet smell of the damp earth.
Relax, breathe and be grateful for the life that lets us appreciate a glorious fall day.
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