Anyone who knows me, knows I love to sing. I sing in the
shower. I sing in the kitchen. I sing every week with our local Choral Union rehearsing for our concerts. I
sing with our wonderful church choir of dedicated singers who learn a song on
Wednesday and sing it with all their hearts the following Sunday. I sing in a
trio of women as worship song leaders. I sing in the open spaces of nature when
I think no one can hear me. I sing, well, you get the idea.
A few years ago I had the privilege of landscaping a very
old church in a community nearby that predates Wisconsin statehood. The church
is nearly that old, too, and I truly felt I was working on sacred ground.
As I prepared the shrubs for planting, I sang a favorite
hymn, “Fairest Lord Jesus” which I knew by heart. I enjoyed singing about God
and nature while I was in the midst of both.
The day of the dedication service I had minimal time to practice with the organist before the service started. When it came time for me to sing, I took my place by the organist. I had no music in front of me because of course I knew the song very well, so I was confident.
But I hadn’t counted on stage fright. The organist began, and paused, waiting for me to sing. I panicked! I couldn’t remember the first line to the song. The song “Fairest Lord Jesus” which begins “Fairest Lord Jesus…” Snap! It came back to me in a flash and I began to sing. My knees were knocking but hopefully no one noticed. Somehow I made it through and I learned a valuable lesson. Always have the music in front of you even if you don’t think you need it!
I still get nervous when I sing solos. But I make myself do
it to face my fear. Now I can sing in front of my congregation and share a song sung from my heart. I prayed for God to help me face this giant in my life. I knew I
had to face it or be perpetually defeated .
With God’s help, I can face my fear of stage fright. It is still a challenge, but using slow-breathing techniques prior to singing helps. And prayer.
Lots of prayer. It’s the only way I can get through any trial, even singing
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