I wish that I could say that I never think a bad thought or
utter an ugly word, but in my humanness, though I strive for perfection it
really is unattainable. We can try to live a life of gentleness and peace, and for
the most part we can succeed, with practice and through prayer. But when those
storms of life blow in that challenge us to the core, it is often difficult to
retain our composure and to be the people we wish we could be.
We are human, and though we may strive to live in the manner
of perfection it truly is a goal we will never reach. We will fall short, and afterward wish
we had the perspective of hindsight before
we lost our cool.
We are emotional beings, fraught with intense feelings that
are challenging to control. It is so easy to simply react to a situation, when it might be better to take a moment to breathe and think and perhaps provide a more
helpful response. And it isn’t only our own emotions we must deal with. When we
face the complex people in our lives sometimes even as we pause to breathe they
explode in their emotions and our natural reaction is to fight the assault!
There are times when we wish we could take back what we have
said. And there are times when we never should have opened our mouths in the
first place, such as when a conversation somehow slips too near to gossip. We
realize later that we should have changed the topic rather than adding our
opinion, and we are filled with regret at the things we said.
The most frustrating part is when we live most of the time
as a good example of Christian living and then we “blow it” by cursing in
public or saying or doing something that is outside of our character. Believe
me, there will be somebody who sees or hears and questions our actions.
What is important for us to remember is to keep trying. If
we have the Holy Spirit in our lives, through knowing Christ and living the
Christian doctrine of loving one another, we already experience many of
these wonderful attributes in our lives. Gradually we will work towards gaining
the ones that are hardest for us to acquire.
When we feel we have missed our mark, it does no good to
wallow in our failure. We are humans and we will make mistakes. Through this we
learn of our weaknesses and frailties and understand the areas we need to put
our efforts into improving.
Everyone makes mistakes. It’s even more difficult when the
world is watching and expecting certain behaviors from us. But don’t let that
deter you from living a life in the Spirit. The benefits far outweigh the falls.
In striving to live by the fruits of the Spirit, we will be
encouraged as we sense these gifts in our own lives. And as we live by sharing
these gifts with others, we may help them grow in their faith as well. You
never know how far an act of kindness may reach.
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