April 26, 2012

Life Renewed - Bring the Rain!

A gentle spring rain patters on my skylights, and the fat droplets bounce off tulip petals and new spring leaves. The rain is cleansing, and the air smells fresh. How often does God bring the rains to cleanse the earth?

After a long winter of snow and ice, we welcome the first deluge of spring rains to wash away the remaining salt residue from our roadways. More spring rains thaw the ground, awakening the roots of plants that have been sleeping for months.

Subsequent rains bring green growth back into our lawns, and before long buds begin to swell on the trees.

Color has returned to the world where only browns and grays existed for a very long season. The bright spring green of new leaves on the trees and shrubs awakens my senses and brings me hope. Flowering crabapples are awe-inspiring; the colorful palate of spring bulbs dotting the landscape brings smiles to winter-weary faces.

This celebration of new life brings us back to life, too. Hearing the birds’ happy songs as they begin courting and preparing for a new season of parenting fills the morning stillness with beauty that makes my heart sing.

Creatures of the natural world no longer need to only strive for survival. They are free to find joy in living as new life is bursting all around them.

Can we celebrate this way in our human existence, too? As the spring rains wash away the weight of winter’s hopelessness, can we be born anew? I pray that God will wash over us and cleanse us to renew our hope, that we may embrace new thinking to open our minds to the possibilities before us.

Perhaps as the rains fall outside, we need to pray for God to reign in our hearts anew, showing us the way to live and the reason we are here.

Invite God in. Ask Him into your heart. Invite Him to live in you and show you the pathway to peace. The gentle nudging of the Spirit can be heard more clearly when we are already attuned with God. 

Be ready to embrace life as fresh new hope blows into your heart. The world around us is full of new beginnings. 

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