Now the house is gone. In less than a day, it has been removed
down to the foundation, and I have a clear view of the marsh and horizon
beyond. The trees are the tallest objects on the property now, and they look
strangely out of place without the structure they used to frame.
It’s time to build anew.
As I walked downwind of the fields, that familiar burnt
smell reached my nose. It smelled like the day my neighbor’s house burned down.
And the way I smelled as I went to church that morning after stopping to help
in the only way I could, by carrying out some houseplants from an area of the house
that hadn’t burned.
I pushed these thoughts out of my mind and tried to find peace amidst the blackened hillsides and the towering burr oaks. I thought of how necessary the annual burn is for the prairie, to control the tall grass plantings and prevent undesirable species from growing.
I marveled at the tall oaks, unaffected by years of burning the grasslands at their feet. And I thought about the refiner’s fire. You know, the intense heat used to remove impurities from metals so that they can be used in their purest forms.
Could trials of our lives qualify as a refiner’s fire? Does
our inner spirit, through facing challenges and setbacks, refine and become more pure in
oneness and connectedness to life?
We face challenges every single day. If we make choices that improve our view of our
place in this world, and our view of ourselves, then I would say that we are
indeed being refined by our choices.
How we view the difficulties of our lives helps shape how they
will form us. Certainly, there will always be trouble in this life.
We could take a lesson from the mighty oaks of the field, and
learn to bend and not break when the storms of life blow through. We will become
more resilient with each passing season, and as we make choices that build our
inner strength, we grow closer to the person we are becoming.
It is humanly possible that we might not respond to a situation in the best possible way every time. But hopefully we deal with our trials in a way that is forgiving to ourselves and nurtures our spirit.
Sometimes it takes the perspective of time to see what we have learned. It may not be until sometime after your ordeal that you begin to understand how you have grown and changed as a result of what you have gone through.
This song has been playing through my head all day as I've been writing this.
Shawn McDonald sings "Rise".
I can almost smell the smoke. Good words and reminders, Colleen.
ReplyDeleteThanks for introducing me to the music of Shawn McDonald. My toes are tapping!