Under ominous skies, the first of our April showers
approaches. But we don't have to wait until May for our flowers. Truth be told, the daffodils and tulips are already beginning to
bloom, and some have shared their sweet palate of color with us for many days
Springtime beat the robins to my backyard this year.
Usually, through the cold and blustery month of March, these harbingers of
spring with their russet breasts and bright yellow beaks hop around last year’s
lawn looking for bits of something to eat.
This year, we experienced an unusual warm spell in
mid-March. Record-setting temperatures caused my white magnolia to bloom over a
month early. Sadly its normally long-lasting tepals turned brown and blew off within days due
to the extreme heat. It usually is not eighty degrees when my magnolia tree
The gift of all of this warm weather has been the early
flowers, and new leaves on the trees and shrubs. Green looks great on the
natural world, especially after months of seeing only brown or white in the landscape. Several neighbors have already
cut their grass. They seem to be enjoying getting their mowers out and thankfully storing the snow blowers for the warm seasons.
The bulbs we planted at our church with the Sunday school
classes last fall are up and blooming earlier than planned, but since the
return to cooler temperatures, the flowers are lasting longer and the blooms
should last through Easter day.
Everyone at church is noticing the flowers and commenting on
their beauty. We planted about 250 bulbs, about 75 of which were little
crocuses. This year the crocuses came and went in a matter of days with the
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